Do you own a website or e-commerce store, but lack sufficient time, knowledge or manpower to keep your site or store updated? Outsourcing might well be the answer.
Outsourcing works both ways; your online presence will be up to date and will adequately represent your company, while it at the same time allows you to fully focus on running your business.
Below you can read about the advantages of hiring me as your website manager, some of the possible services, and what my added value is.
Feel free to contact me for more information, to discuss specific wishes, or to have a look at your website or e-commerce store.
For many business owners accounting is not a favourite part of running a business. Quite often the same applies to running the company website. Also, maintenance and updating of a website or web shop may have its technical issues. And so working on a site happens in a lost hour, gets moved to a later time, or ends up on the “to-do” pile.
Which is a shame. Because, like accounting, an up to date website or web shop is essential to running a business. After all, it is your virtual brochure, shop window or store.
For accounting most business owners hire qualified staff or an accountancy firm. Why not do the same for your website?
These days virtually everybody is online most of the day. A major part of communication now takes place on the internet. For many organisations it is of great importance and value to be on top of developments, to show the current product range, to offer a client all possibilities to find what he or she is looking for.
I run websites, e-commerce store, and/or social media for a number of business and organisations. In some cases one or two hours a week, in other cases two work days a week. For one client it is mostly writing and editing texts and posting these on the site and social media, for an other client it means taking care of the e-commerce store.
With my experience as an entrepreneur, I look at websites, e-commerce and social media slightly different than most webmasters will do. I immerse myself in your company, your products, your market and your clients. From that angle I then work on improving your website, store and social media.
I will take care of up to date readable, compact and correct online information and visuals. Also I will translate your company’s look, style and visuals to your online presence, figure out technical gremlins, and bring the various elements of your business together online. And I will be a sparring partner and advisor, and I will keep your company profile, culture and look recognisable and inviting online.